How to hide some pylons

Fi Kealy asked 15 years ago

I have some pylons within view of my house. Now that the leaves are falling off the trees they look closer than they are. How do I cover these up? What are the best trees/other to make the garden look lovely & draw the eye away from these? What’s the best way to plant them & where’s best to buy them?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
The design principle in hiding a big obstacle like a power pylon is to have the blocking trees or other objects close to the observer. Your hand, placed close to your face, can hide your full view, but less so at arm’s length!

Start by looking out of the windows of the main rooms and see where best to place groups of trees, hiding the ugly objects and framing any attractive views within the garden or outside your property, such as a nice tree or building. You can create attractive views within the garden by siting a pond, summer house, stature or specimen tree.

When planting groups of trees to hide ugly objects, plant a mixture of deciduous and evergreen, about one-thrid the number in evergreens.

Almost any kind that suits your fancy and your soil conditions can be used. Choose from trees in our Plant finder:
