Rats in tunnel

moira carroll asked 12 years ago

After having a great year in my tunnel, I went in today to find rats had attacked all my winter crops. I have removed what is left and I want to know do I have to disinfect and with what as I am ready to sow my seeds they even got my lupins and delphiniums that I only planted on last week. what devastation!

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
There is always a possibility of rats or mice entering the warm confines of a tunnel or greenhouse, looking for food and shelter and it is a good idea to watch for them and set poison carefully if tehy are present.

With rats, there is an issue with Weils disease which is carried by rats and which can cause a debilitatin illness in humans. The disease gets in through cuts and abrasions on the skin and it would be best to wear gloves.

The soil will deal with the infection in due course and it would be best to dig over the soil in the affected area,

And to lay poison to ensure the rats are gone.
