sheep eating apple trees

QuestionsHow to growFruitApplessheep eating apple trees
Francis (Seán) Donoghue asked 14 years ago

My apple and pears were attacked by sheep. they have eaten the bark off the trunk and they have also eaten this years new fruit, What can i put on the trunk for them to survive, I am afraid these will die? They have totaly ruined my crop for this year, will they grow back next year?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
If the bark has been stripped all the way round the stem, the trees might find it hard to recover and may fail, or sprout below the damaged area. If there is any bridge of bark, they will recover.

Immediately on damage, wrap the stems with strips of plastic, such as refuse sack cut up. It is best done within hours and may be too late now as the slippery cambial dries out.

