transplanting tomato plants late stage

QuestionsHow to growTomatoesGreenhouse Growingtransplanting tomato plants late stage
James Molloy asked 13 years ago

Just at the point of finishing a greenhouse, recycled products…frames and glass…. but behind schedule for this year… I have tomatoe plants in the sun room in large enough pots…2nd truss just set now.. n feedin 2*times a week… can i transplant them to the green house at this stage ??..Fairly big now..8 plants between 3 n 5 feet in height…!!..should i just leave them in the pots and put them into greenhouse soil maybe splitting the pot containers.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Water well, ease them out of their pots and plant in the greenhouse. They will give somehting because the plants are well advanced.

 Water each day in and feed once a week to the end of  August. 
