Brown rot on plum tree.. What best to use?

QuestionsHow to growFruitPlums and CherriesBrown rot on plum tree.. What best to use?
Angela Conlon asked 14 years ago

I have today discovered I have had brown rot on plum tree & have in error left dead fruit over winter. What spray is best to use having now removed dead wood around tree?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
The withered fruit or mummified fruit carry the spores which are released in spring, so you have avoided their spread. You should also cut out any cankers and dead fruit spurs.

That is usually enough to give good results, along with a dry summer, but if you wish you could spray the trees with Liquid copper to reduce spores.

In a dry summer you will see little or no brown rot.
