Cutting back an overgrown garden

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsPruningCutting back an overgrown garden
Ruth Winters asked 16 years ago

I have a garden that is very overgrown with shrubs of all sorts i.e. flowering shrubs and shrubs that look like they will stay green/yellow for the whole of the Winter. I wont be able to do anything with it until the first week in September (just bought the house), can I cut back the shrubs by a third when they stop flowering or do I have to wait for the leaves to fall off I’m not sure if they do fall off? Can I give them a good cutting in January because they make the garden look small, its deceiving.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Hasten slowly!

Wait a full year to first see what you have. As each comes into flower, look it up and see what needs to be done to it. List the ones you want rid of and take them out completely rather than cut everything back.

Some things might not need cutting, others might and others might be completely removed. There might be good bulbs or other plants too.

People often make bad decisions in the early days … then again, the whole lot might be rubbish!
