Fastest growth from seed to plant

QuestionsHow to growVegetable GrowingSweet CornFastest growth from seed to plant
Gearoid Tuohy asked 8 years ago

I want to put a little science project together for school children to test which of the advertised garden “growth products” on sale have the best results. I want to set up the experiment in multiple yoghurt sized pots and get results in hopefully 2-3 weeks. It doesn’t matter what a plant I use, just something that will grow quickly – any advice?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Compst normally has enough plant nutrients for 4 to 6 weeks. So you need to use pure peat, which has verys mall amounts and plants will not thrive without feeding. Sweetcorn or radish are quick and suffer shortges quickly.
