Growing vegetables in school

QuestionsHow to growVegetable GrowingTypesGrowing vegetables in school
Julie Watson asked 16 years ago
I am trying to grow vegetables with children at primary school. We had some sucess last year with lettuce and potatoes. I am finding it difficult to find suitable crops that will be ready for harvest before the end of June when the summer term ends. Can you suggest any crops that might be suitable for growing outdoors for an early harvest.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
There are not many crops that finish by end June but radish, lettuce, white turnips, kohlrabi, rocket are quick.

Get some rhubarb too, asparagus and globe artichokes … these are perennial vegetables, cropping in March to May for rhubarb, May/June for artichokes and asparagus.

Potatoes will have something by then if planted early in February. Carrots will be forming, again sown as early as possible. Shallots and garlic can be planted in February. Broad beans can be sown in Februray or October. Spring cabbage can be put in in September and picked in April/May. Autumn onion sets can be planted out in September for June following.
