lawn care and mainetnance

QuestionsHow to growLawnsWeedslawn care and mainetnance
Brian Garvey asked 13 years ago

Following siteworks on a new house, we laid a new lawn (1 acre) last July. Not suprisingly there are loads of weeds. Can you recommend weed and feed in granule format that will suit such a large area that is also pet friendly (I have a spreader that I can tow behind the lawnmower). Finally when is the best time to spread this?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
A new lawn will tend to have a lot of weeds and most of these will die under regular mowing. If there are the normal lawn weeds such as daisies, and you don’t want them, you can spray with lawn weedkiller in May. On a large area, it is much more cost-effective to spray, and to use a separate lawn feed, than use feed and weed products.
