Leaves turning pink roses

Mary Dunne asked 14 years ago
About two months ago the leaves on my roses turned pink. “Rememberence”was hit worst. They have recovered but still looking a bit miserable. I planted some new roses “Trumpeter” 2months ago and now I see the edge of a few of the leaves turning pink. They have been sprayed reg with rose clear and last week with bug clear. Local garden centre said its a virus.I have a lot of roses. How can I save them?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
This looks like scorch caused by a spray. It might just be that the spray was applied in sunny weather, or that there was some contamination in the sprayer, such as traces of weed killer.

Rose foliage is very sensitive to chemicals. The bushes will grow out of this damage easily. Rose spray need only be applied in wet weather as blackspot disease cannot grow in dry weather.
