orchid with new growth of leaves at top of stem

QuestionsHow to growHouse PlantsPottingorchid with new growth of leaves at top of stem
asked 12 years ago

I have an orchid which I pruned when it finished flowering it now has a stem of about 16 inches with another growth of about 5 leaves at the top where the flowers used to be, these leaves look so healthy would it be possible to get this new this new growth to root or what would be your advice. Picture attached.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
The plant has produced an offset and this can be removed when well developed and potted on its own, and this can be done in spring.

Use a very open compost with coarse peat or leaf mould, some small bark chips and some clean coarse sand.

Stand the new plant in good light but no direct sunlight and mist with water a couple of times each day.
