Problem with leatherjackets

QuestionsHow to growLawnsPestsProblem with leatherjackets
Lisa Hunter asked 14 years ago

I’ve recently lost my half acre lawn for the second time due to a leatherjacket infestation. What is the best treatment for these larvae or should I be treating the adult daddy longlegs? I’ve attached a photograph giving you some idea of the problem.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Generally, this problem solves itself because birds, starlings and crows, find the food source and destroy them, often with some disruption of the lawn surface.

If this does not happen, you might have to spray. On a garden scale, Provado can be used, or on a larger scale, from a farm chemical supplier, you might use Dursban, which would be less expensive, applied in both cases with a knapsack sprayer.
