I would like to convert our existing large lawn area into a wild flower meadow. It already has a number of species-mostly dandelions at the moment, plantain and other! The Irish Times had an offer of grass seed with native Irish wild flowers in it. Would this be a good idea or should one just wait for the grass to be colonised by airborne seeds?
1 Answers
A wild flower meadow is only a good idea in very large areas such as parks. It poses problems for domestic gardens, principally as it cannot be used during the early summer and there is a heavy task of mowing, necessitating a rough grass mower or even a tractor.
A better and more practical approach is a wild flower meadow, mowing regularly but much less often, applying no weed control or lawn fertilizer. Broad-leaved, non-grass, species will come to dominate this type of lawn and the grass will weaken, Initially at least, take off the mowings to weaken the grass.