Window boxes

joan smyth asked 13 years ago

Every year I look forward to planting up window boxes, using mostly petunia, calibrachoa and lobelia and marigold. I’d really appreciate any tips you might have to get a really nice healthy and long lasting display. I wonder what might be the best type of compost to use. I’ve seen the ‘miracle grow’ brand which is especially for containers and baskets but it’s quite expensive and I have a lot of containers to fill. Spacing of plants is another query I have.I’m inclined to sometimes become over enthusiastic and put too many plants in the window box. I was also wondering about vermiculite and perlite. Would adding them to the compost help to give a better flower display, I wonder?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
A good general compost for potting is half unsterlized garden soil and half bag compost, or good well-rotted garden compost. Add a fistful of general fertiliser to each 10 litres of compost … measure with a 10-litre bucket.

Pot up plants according to their eventual size, allowing more room for bigger kinds. Use some foliage plants, such as heuchera or hosta, which can later be planted out in the garden. 
