Beech hedge slowly dying

Dympna Condra asked 13 years ago

We planted a beech hedge 10 years ago and it was doing really well. About 2/3 years ago the middle section started to look as if it was struggling and the buds got smaller and leaves more scant until now a number of trees are completely dead – but no sign of disease on the roots – they just look rotten. The rest of the hedge seems to be going the same way – any ideas what the problem might be? Can the rest of the hedge be saved? Should we dig all up and start anew??

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
More than likely, the affected plants are growing in a wet spot. If this is the case, try to drain the area or bring in soil to make a broad drill, about 50cm wide at the top and 30 above surrounding soil lift the roots out of the wet soil.
