October 31, 2019

All you need to know about the new Garden.ie club

Welcome to the new Garden.ie Club. We hope you enjoy using it to track the progress of your garden, learn new ways of doing things and meeting like minded people.

Here’s some of the most frequently asked questions and tips:

I was a member of the old club, do my details still work?

Yes! You can login via your old credentials. If you don’t remember them simply press forgot password.

Will my old content be there?

Due to the vast amount of data, it’s not been possible to bring over all the old content. We are making efforts to ensure that the old content be available to anyone who wants to download it. As soon as we have information on this we’ll let you know. 

I’m logged in/ registered. What now? 

Update your profile (click on about me in the left hand menu) then Introduce yourself and find likeminded people in our group here: https://www.garden.ie/groups/?introduce-yourself-here/

Hashtags #

Don’t forget to end all your posts with hashtags so you can easily find them again. #roses #dublin #gardenieclub etc


As with everything on the internet, we urge you to exercise caution when it come to personal details. Please don’t post them publicly. The site also allows great control of your privacy options.


If you encounter any difficulties please email info@garden.ie

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