Post category: Weed control options


Vegetable area and flower beds or borders


Cultivated areas, such as the vegetable area and flower beds, should first be made weed-free by removing perennial weeds while digging, or by using Resolva or Roundup in early summer, if the ground has been neglected.

Early digging in the vegetable area buries weeds before seed formation. Cultivated soil may be kept free of weeds before the vegetables or flowers are sown or planted, by hoeing, or spraying with Weedol, when the weeds are still small. Where vegetables or flowers have been sown or planted, only hoeing and hand-weeding may be used.


Established shrub borders, rose beds and fruit plantations


New planting should be treated as above, for a year or two. After that, hoeing and Weedol may be used to dispose of annual weeds. Tumbleweed, Roundup or Brushwood Killer may be used to carefully ‘spot-treat’ perennial weeds.


Paths, driveways, patios


Where there are no plants that might be damaged, chemical weed killers and preventers are ideal. It is often difficult to hoe or handweed in these situations because weeds have their roots between slabs or cracks in concrete. Specially formulated mixtures of weed-killing and weed-preventing chemicals are sold for use on these areas.

These are used as a single dose solution to both existing weeds and germinating weed seeds and are applied in spring or early summer, such as Pathclear.

Moss and algae can be killed on paths, walls or tarmac by spraying with Mosgo or mosskillers. Sweeping paths and drives to prevent debris building up helps to prevent moss and algae. If tree seedlings, brambles or briars need to be killed, use Brushwood Killer. Asulox will kill bracken.