Choosing a tree for hedging to plant in March?

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsHedges and Shelter beltsChoosing a tree for hedging to plant in March?
Bernie Connell asked 13 years ago

We are looking forward to planting a bare root hedge in mid march! Laurel or beech seem to keep coming up as suggestions. We would like an evergreen hedge as the road at the front is very busy and so will give some privacy. There is about 470 ft on 3 sides. do you have any other suggestions on what types of hedge would be hardy, low maintenance, and also not too expensive as we haven’t a huge budget. Agree that its a long term investment so a few options would be fantastic.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Laurel or beech are good choices or holly or yew, the latter only if cattle and horses cannot get at it.

To save money, plant as small as possible and keep the young plants absolutely weed-free, a strip of at least 60cm weed-free. And feed in March with general fertiliser until growth is vigorous.
