Plant query

Emer Lyons asked 14 years ago

I have a house plant and I slowly seem to be killing it but I cannot research how to feed it as I do not lknow its name (it was a present). I hope my description will help you figure out what it is.Plant is 1 foot tall with red/maroon leaves that rise upwards and encircle each other. It is then surrounded by long green leaves that surround it in an upright manner (but are now seriously drooping).The red flowered leaves are now turning brown at the top as if they have been left in the sun without water but it has actually been inside and watered at least once a week. Can you let me know if you can figure it out?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
This sounds like an earth star, or other kind of bromeliad. These have a rosette of leaves and a flower spike in the middle. The flower eventually fades and theplant is often thrown out, but it can be kept to flower again.

Cut away the flower spike when it begins to wither, Water the plant by keeping some water in the central rosette. Side-shoots may be produced and these will form new rosettes and in time these will flower.

Feed with half-strength houseplant liquid food every two weeks from April to September. Give the plant good bright light at all times but not direct sunshine. 
