Raised bed around established trees

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsPlantingRaised bed around established trees
Ciara Kavanagh asked 14 years ago

We have built a 1.5ft wall at rear of garden behind which are a cotoneaster, 2 mt ash & 1 azara. Will it suffice to put pipes of some kind around trunks to protect from soil & water or are we going to kill the trees over time by putting 1.5ft of topsoil over existing roots in this new raised bed? Would it be better to try to replant the trees higher in the autumn?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
There is a strong chance that the extra soil will kill the trees. Lift them and replant at the higher level in November, making sure to settle the soil before planting so that it does not sink afterwards and the trees end up in a hollow.
