When to remove stakes from trees.

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsTrainingWhen to remove stakes from trees.
Linda Magee asked 14 years ago

I live in an estate that is about 10 years old and all of the trees in it have been staked since they went in. I have read in several places that it is best to remove stakes within one to two years and wonder if we should do so now. I would not query this except for the fact that at times the wind through the estate is very strong and there is some concern that the trees need the stakes to support them otherwise the wind might blow them down. Is this likely and what do you suggest?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
After ten years, it is more likely that the trees are supporting the stakes. Normally they should be taken away once the trees are established, but sometimes they are left and the stake or tree tie deteriorates and falls away. They can be taken away.
