Month: March 2009

These were planted years ago against a south facing wall.  They smell beautiful and come up every year.
Very fragrant hyacinths

Very fragrant hyacinths

I’ve just read about the plan to turn part of the White House Lawn into a Kitchen garden where they will grow 55 varieties of vegetable, and I saw pictures of the First Lady digging up the lawn with some children from nearby schools.  I’m wondering what are the chances of turning some of the currently uninspiring grounds of Aras an Uachtarain over to a productive garden?  Could cabbages, carrots and turnips be growing in sight of the State rooms?  Now that really would be going back to our roots!
Cabbages and Kings (or Presidents!)

Cabbages and Kings (or Presidents!)

hi everyone hope you are all well. got beds cleared and ready for planting at the wknd. so i hope to get them planted tomorrow, even if its raining i will be out need to get it done have alot of pricking out to do yet. have photos to put on the site of before and after, will get those up in the next couple of days. happy gardening folks

Maybe i spoke to soon about the good weather,we have had for the last few days.Today was wet and rather cold.Lucky enough especially on this cool night i have some of the half hardy trays still in the house.Im going to attempt to make up some of my hanging baskets soon with some flowers only,[rather new to me ] along with some veg baskets i done last year.Hopefully all will go well.Home later than expected,so did not get much garden work done this evening,apart from just a few short jobs.

I started sowing my seeds quite late this year but things are going well so far, but I’ll wait and see. I collected lots of seed from the garden but have had little sucess so far, much more sucess with division and cuttings this year, I’m glad I took cuttings of my Salvia involucrata as it has’nt liked the winter we had.

Thanks to Rachel who swopped seeds with me and I have sown them sunday, we’ll have a competition to see who grows the most! I purchased seeds from chiltern seeds in the UK the Tithonia rotundifolia ‘Torch’ (Mexican Sunflower), Leonotus leonora (Lions Tail), & Cosmos Purity were all recommended by Monty on Gardener’s World. I also planted Hordium jubatum (squirrel grass) and Cerinthe purpurcens. 

I sowed these at the beginning of march and so far here’s the count so far Cerinthe 10 out of 15, Cosmos 18/24, Hordium 24/24, Tithonia 18/24, Leonotis 14/24.

I’ve sowed lots of other things and will broadcast sow stuff as soon as I get time hopefully this week.

The Seed Factory

The Seed Factory

guess whose the most unpopular person in our house? yep me

as you know i spread sulphate of iron to kill moss last sunday but what i didnt know was spreader was split underneath and not only have i killed moss but the grass as well. obviously had i known spreader was broken i would have thrown it out!! any way i will never hear the end of it .the lawn is my hubbys  pride and joy  or at least it was !

so off i went to lidl and bought a scarifier . wow its fantastic hve got barrow loads of moss and thatch  and not nearly finished yet.

this has restored me back to my rightful place as head chief and bottlewasher!!!

whew  alls well that ends well

ps. you can see black grass on some of my recent photos!

After a damp and cool day getting home this evening did not look to good.Now the weather has wind rising,and getting colder.I got to spend an hour in the greenhouse this evening for a final shake up of pots there.Can chance moving some plants out to greenhouse a lot later than expected but still a bit on the uncertain side.Still weary of the weather.Sorted out some more seeds of carrot ,bettroot,and some more seed potatoes to plant straight to the bed later on in the week.That will be if the weather allows do so.Forecast not looking the best then with more wind and rain on the way.
Getting a little short of room sooner than expected.

Getting a little short of room sooner than expected.

I’m off to Germany for a few days.

I got my husband to shadow me this morning in my ministrations to small seedlings and greenhouse plants. He will have to take care of them while I’m away. The picture shows the plants on staging in my greenhouse. The lower staging is mostly Dahlias, Agapanthus, Hosta and Phlox. The top layer is mostly Hardy Annuals, Cosmos and Marigolds.

Potted up the final Dahlias and potted on my miniature seven Echiums. My son, Samuel, was delighted to discover that some of his Radishes have germinated in the greenhouse and possibly a Sunflower.

I fed my roses with special rose food a few days ago (that’s all they’re getting this year – no manure or extra compost) but just realised that I forgot four bushes. I hope to remember to feed them tomorrow before I set off.

Happy Gardening.

The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse

I took a pre journey amble around my garden today and was astonished to notice blossoms on my peach tree.

I bought the tree several years ago, before I knew any better, but it has never flowered for me.

So I found an artish’s paint brush and gort my husband out there to pollinate it (a few pictures in my latest album). I made him promise he would do this every day while I am away. I know peaches are not an outdoor crop in Ireland but God loves a trier…

Pollinating the Peach Tree

Pollinating the Peach Tree

Today I arrived home from work to find a Bakker Box for me.  I am now the proud owner of an Actindia Arguta "Issai" – a miniature Kiwi to the rest of us. Thanks Flitters. So I am busy reading up on it and its needs. If anyone has experience of growing this, I would be delighted for an advice or tips!!


Bobby and I went to Birr Castle today for a walk.  The Magnolias are in full flower and create a beautiful display.  The Champion Magnolia is not yet in flower but we will return with the kids in April to see it in bloom.  It will be a good comparison to our new Magnolia Grandiflora.  The tree peonies and the herbaceous peonies are just coming to life.  The red stems have punched through the soil and the leaves are starting to unfurl. Sorry! we didn’t bring the camera today as we just set off and followed our instinct

In our own garden we’ve decided to leave the magnolia as it is planted.  It’s at the north side of the veg patch and avenue borders and the soil we dug up to plant it is some of the best soil I’ve ever seen in this garden and definitely the deepest.

I checked the depth of the seed potatoes this evening.  I thought that they were planted at 12" depth and Bill (Headgardener) confirmed to me that this was far too deep.  I dug 4 separate trial holes and had a 100% result.  They’re planted at 6".  Woohoo!  No remedial work necessary.  Sorry I doubted you Bob!

Things that are looking good in the garden are hellebores, the daffs are looking great still.  My own peonies are showing signs of great promise and the tulips are about to start flowering.  The greenhouse is reaching capacity and I think I need to make a new cold frame!  The only thing I don’t like about this time of year is having to open and close the greenhouse, polytunnel and coldframe every day.

Tree Peony unfurling

Tree Peony unfurling

I now have a greenhouse bursting with seedlings.  Since this is my first year sowing seeds I have learnt a valuable lesson in the quantity stakes.  I started off sowing seeds in trays, resulting in lots of seedlings… very exciting to see them grow, and also I enjoyed the pricking out process, which resulted in lots more pots and less space.  I quickly realised that I don’t really need 30 Chinese lanterns, and certainly don’t need neigh on 100 marigolds!  I’m now sowing seeds in 3" pots and using only a few pinches of each to give me more than enough seedlings.  Lesson learnt the hard way… I don’t even know what a chinese lantern will really look like!

hi everyone i have just added some more photos of my garden before the new plants have gone in. hope to have the after photos by wknd weather permitting that i get out to finish it, its looking alot better than it does in the photos alot of the plants are in and more to put in. improving already, it is work in progress but i love doing it,

Yesterday I have found little buds on my mamillaria. It happens not every year, but if mamillaria starts to  bloom – will be with flowers all spring.

Also I sowed more flowers – seeds that I’ve got from Rachel (geum, helenium and echinacea), Gilia tricolor, pansy mix (viola wittroskiana Swiss Giants) and mixed set of fragrant flowers.




Sowed some beans and some sweet corn in the polytunnell along with some more marigolds.All to suit some companion planting with the potatoes.Left in some more buckets to suit where needed.Gave some final touches to some of the beds out side.Moped out the centre walkway in the tunnell.Cleaned the potting table section.Had a quick walk around some of the outside beds in the veg area to make sure all was going to plan..
Ready for action.

Ready for action.