Month: October 2010

Reading everyone’s journals from around the country it seems the place to be was here as the last two days were bright and sunny after starting off misty and cool such a change from Friday’s non stop rain the NW certainly seems to have fared best. Lots of water lying around so between the very hard frosts last weekend and heavy rain with gusting winds over the last week the garden has certainly lost it’s colour. Due to work both yesterday and today had no time for gardening I’m really hoping that the weather will stay good for the next couple of days so as a bit more tidying up can be done still fushia, pelegoniums to be lifted not sure whether to lift dahlias or mulch them but think they will come up, more bulbs to plant when annuals and summer bedding are uprooted and gone to the compost. This evening there was a lovely soft sunset with sun sinking to the SW behind the indoor school ducks out on a slug hunt on the grass was a lovely way for October to end.

October's End

October’s End

As geraldine already said we had two lovely days here in this part of the country no rain at all – We got a good lot of plants into the bog garden today – does not really look anything this time of year but hopefully will look good next year – got a lot of the plants that we bought in and then raided our existing stock – Astibles were dug up and split and we got 20 ferns from the local hedgerow to plant in one clump – and still had time for trick or treating
Planted up bog garden

Planted up bog garden

Gertrude Jekell David Austin rose has flowered from early June on in the terrace bed, bloom is smaller than earlier in the year but just perfect to me in shape and form. Posted up a few more photos of October but the sparkle is gone after the frosts and rain but that’s life and the rich autumnal colours of trees and plants adds a richness and warmth to the garden especially on a day like today. Wonder what November will bring?

Gertrude Jekell 31st October

Gertrude Jekell 31st October