Month: April 2011


 My shady garden..
Hi everyone Im new here so just finding my feet…I have a really small garden with heavy clay soil and a huge garden wall which casts a lot of shade. I pit in some decking and indian sandstone slabs two years ago and since then have been adding to my plant collection.
 I love woodland planting schemes and have a lot of ferns,hostas,rhododendrons,azaleas,camellias,magnoila, skimmias,astilbes and pieris, as you can probably tell my garden is acid loving although because the soil is heavy clay type Im constantly trying to improve the drainage. At the moment Im trying to cover the high walls using clemetis ‘nelly mosser’ and hydrangea macrophyillia,some ivy to,they are slowly but surely dissapearing,I bought a couple of omphaloides vera today and some vaiety of dicentra to fill in a few gaps from plants that I lost during the snow.
I will update with recent pictures soon 🙂
Due to other comitments, I was not available to do any gardening. I had a look at the Dahlias and Begonias which were covered for some time in the greenhouse with peat and compost. Nearly all of the Begonias are sound and most of them are sprouting. Some of the Dahlias were not sound and were disposed of. All were taken out of the cardboard boxes and put into flower pots and I look forward to seeing more growth within the next few days. Pelargoniums in the greenhouse are coming on well. I may slip some of them within the next few days. The Pelargoniums which were in the lean to are out now and considering the fact that we will not have frost in the near future, I left them to the elements of the weather. As I enter this report, it is raining so they will benefit. Parsnips, beet root and radishes are now appearing and should benefit from this weather. I had a look at the grass in the front lawn which had its first mowing in February and fertilizer late in March. It is coming on well and pending suitable weather, it should get its second mowing to morrow. 
 My shady garden..
Hi everyone Im new here so just finding my feet…I have a really small garden with heavy clay soil and a huge garden wall which casts a lot of shade. I pit in some decking and indian sandstone slabs two years ago and since then have been adding to my plant collection.
 I love woodland planting schemes and have a lot of ferns,hostas,rhododendrons,azaleas,camellias,magnoila, skimmias,astilbes and pieris, as you can probably tell my garden is acid loving although because the soil is heavy clay type Im constantly trying to improve the drainage. At the moment Im trying to cover the high walls using clemetis ‘nelly mosser’ and hydrangea petiolaris,some ivy too,they are slowly but surely dissapearing,I bought a couple of omphaloides vera today and some vaiety of dicentra to fill in a few gaps from plants that I lost during the snow.
I will update with recent pictures soon 🙂
These were sown to day. About 20 are in compost in the greenhouse and the ground is ready for them but it will be over a month before I plant them out.

Hello everybody, I haven’t had a garden journal entry in a while. I tend to nest for the colder months and cooking and baking takes over my free time. Well I am now back on track and trying to get a little vegetable plot up and running. I have some lovely black topsoil being delivered this Saturday. I hope to get some rotted manure from somewhere before then! I’ve a 12.00 x 5.00 metre plot for planting. 

I think I’ll plant some lettuce, lots of beans, lots of garlic and maybe some carrots and onions. I would appreciate any comments..

 I planted out my strawberry plants – well planted them in bigger pots outdoors. I seem to have the world of snails, I think they have their A.G.M’s at our house. So I am going to try the bowl of beer and see if that works. If not I might resort to pellets. 

My beautiful agapanthus plants did not make it through the 2nd frost, nor did my Hydrangas… However lots of other bits have made it through and I look forward to minding them until -at least flowering time!! 


I would appreciate any tips on vegetable gardening (outdoors in ground) and if you could direct me to your journals where any similar works are described. I’d be very interested to see how your gardens are doing.





Just been out in garden deadheading daffs and pulling weeds.  First time I’ve really looked at garden for couple of weeks and amazed at just how much is happening – so many flowers in bloom and everything covered in buds.  Great incentive for getting out and doing more!

Got 2 new apple trees today and a sour cherry tree. Already have 3 apple trees, intend doing a little orchard with some fruit bushes.

 The guy in the garden centre gave the 2 kids some tulips so they are delighted with themselves. 

 I saw that Lidl are doing some great specials tomorrow, so what I buy there will keep me busy I think. They are doing poppies, foxgloves, hosta, lupins and lots more.

 Will have to get there bright and early, luckly the kids are my very own little alarm clocks 🙂


Just spent another couple of hours tidying up and weeding (month of Sundays wouldn’t get them sorted!!)  Really enjoying myself.  Hopefully soon have idea of what needs replacing after the winter and then I can really enjoy myself – getting new plants!!!!!!  Most of the shrubs seem to have survived quite well in spite of snow and ice, and fritillarias seem to have tripled!  Signs of perennials coming to life as well.  It’s just so good to get outside and get working.  Feels like winter’s cobwebs have been blown away.  So much going on in garden – plants blooming, birds singing, chickens clucking and dogs helping.

I’m back after such a long few months and a terrible winter. But today is just beautiful and its good for the weekend.

Well I’ve been very busy in the garden this past few weeks. Mainly cleaning up after the winter. Got all the weeding and grass cut also did the fertilizing.  All seeds are doing great. Only lost one plant this winter – Cineraria "silverdust". Must get another one because I really liked it.

Think I just planted about a million crocosmia bulbs. Well that maybe a bit of an exageration but it sure felt like it. Can’t wait to see it all in bloom.

The sun is shining and it feels good to get planting again.

Started my work Experience today,what a fantastic day… the weather was beautiful, the gardens are wonderful. I was like a kid in a sweet shop … can’t wait till tomorrow

This evening was…you guessed it …wet! So, I stuck to the tunnel and got some seedlings potted up. There are so many I am running out of space. First I did Broccoli Summer Purple – must be about 15 – 20 and then I did some Celeriac Monarch. This is the first year I am growing Celeriac and I’m really looking forward to it. Then got round to 7 plants of ILDI tomatoes. Chillipepper says they are a good variety.

I think I’m going to be giving away some veg plants….Lots more to do!

hi everyone

i haven’t posted in ages but i have a quick read here every night.

am so busy here during the day with my 3 little men (and the big one too!!). my maternity leave ends at the end of this month so i am really sad about that. i got loads done in the garden in the last few weeks though. i will post pictures over the next few days.

i have approximately 40 trees planted, 50 hornbeam (in 3 different areas), moved the play house and ‘prettied it up’. also got my husband to make 2 raised beds and we have sowed carrots, turnips, beetroot, lettuce, scallions and strawberries!!

just looking for bit of advice though (as usual). our back garden is on a slight slope. i planted a hornbeam hedge couple of weeks ago. i went out this morning and noticed that after the heavy rain last night, the soil and compost was moved down by the flow of the rain. it had all collected at the bottom of the slope if you know what i mean?

this means i have to go back and refill again around the hegde plants. i didnt take a picture and im probably not making myself very clear. has anyone any advice? i actually didnt think it was that much of a slope

Had a lovely evening in the garden today.  Finally got round to planting some veg.  Got in some Carrotts, spring onions, cauliflower, cucumber and some parsely and basil.  Onion sets and garlic are in about a month now and are coming on strong. 

Had some lupin seeds soaking yesterday so got them into pots but have just seen that Lidl are selling 6 pack of lupin plants tomorrow for 3.99.  Might get a few as back up in case the seeds don’t germinate.  Anyway, you can never have too many can you?  They’re also selling poppies and delphiniums and hostas – will have to call in to have a look.

Have booked Friday off work and planning day in the garden weeding the rockery.  Got a delivery of bark mulch to get on it.  Forecast is great for the next few days so enjoy.


sorry havent been on site lately, i will be back soon, been very busy sorting stuff out for business course and venture


went about  buying hedging for my back garden today and after much pricing and thinking about which type  we decided on taxus baccata .  Our local garden centre  said it was a native plant and should withstand the very cold weather we experienced in the past two winters.  So, we bought 25  plants for 60 euro ..   hopefully it will  survive better that the griselinia hedging that once again got a hammering in the area this year..

I was checking my ‘Just Joey’  roses the other day as some of them didnt leaf so well and look pale . To my surprise they were full of greenfly even in the curl of the leaves .So everything got sprayed !  I had put well rotted manure around them as well a few weeks ago  but a few of them have very pale leaves  so I ve tried some  rose food as well .  Any suggestions



















Ballyrobert Cottage Garden is a beautiful and unique Ulster Cottage Garden. The garden extends to 6 acres and is designed around a 17th century landscape with the original cottage and barn being the key features.

A specialist nursery, stocked with a wealth of cottage garden plants, is available and open to the public.

Tea making facilities are available for vositors.

Ballyrobert Cottage Garden is a beautiful and unique Ulster Cottage Garden. The garden extends to 6 acres and is designed around a 17th century landscape with the original cottage and barn being the key features.

A specialist nursery, stocked with a wealth of cottage garden plants, is available and open to the public.

Tea making facilities are available for vositors.

been under the weather this week. getting back on my feet, will update soon. weather on the mend today , went for a wee walk this evening, the heat of the sun was glorious. take care all.

My greenhouse is almost full as a result of potting up so many plants. I have 90 Campanulas potted up, added to the 100 tomatoes and quite a lot of Petunias and Marigolds. I called to Woodies to day, bought two grow bags,  a black grass which goes into the rockery and a packet of Calendulas which will go direct into the ground. I had a problem with the battery of the hedge trimmer. It had been failing for some time and would last for only a few minutes and I was given one gratis. I had a problem with the grass margin outside the gate. Cars had been driving over it. The County Council provided plenty of soil early in the week so having given it some fertilizer yesterday, I finished the job to day, firstly walking on it then spreading grass seed and raking it in and finally tapping it down with a spade, very different from what our friend on Monday’s gardening programme did using specially prepared sods of grass. I finished at 8.40 p.m.

Just received a friends request from Precious2011 from New York/ Co Cavan. The nornal bull applies, going back to help needed in the Ivory Coast etc. etc.

To any new members out there just decine the offer, and give no details or any information and you will hear no more about it. I am sendind message to CraigK in as well.

planted my caulies radishes beets on tuesday turnips last week keeping them covered at night with  a fleece except for last night .went with watering can this morning an caught  a pheasant eating my little plant s thers hardly any left but all is not lost sown far to many of everything so start all over again ther are lots of things i need to learn and this is one of them.seeya

i have approx 40 trees sowed… they are birches, maples, and some mountain ash…were bare rooted and will take some time to get established as they range in height from 3 to 5 foot

i love to see daffodils and tulips growing under trees and i will plant some bulbs in october but in the meantime are there any other nice perennial flowers that i could sow that would last pretty much all summer into autumn? the idea being that i would like to have colour from spring right through to autumn

what about lupins?

would appreciate any ideas