Month: September 2011

This year I was lucky enough to get presents of subscriptions to both Irish Garden and Gardener’s World. I have really enjoyed having them drop into my letterbox each month, usually a day apart so I don’t have to decide which to read first!

Yesterday brought Gardener’s World (early for once!) and today brought the Irish Garden – but it also brought a reminder about renewing the Gardener’s World subscription.

What a dilemma! Would I prefer to have it drop through my letterbox without any intervention from me? Or would I prefer to have the anticipation of watching the news-stand for its arrival? …. Indecision!!!!!


Cherry Brandy

Cherry Brandy

Well, I’m glad I made the most of the recent nice days – today I am living in the middle of a cloud, with heavy downpours to relieve the monotony. Looking out at the grass, which is rebuking me for not mowing it  the other day, I am struck by just how vivid the colours look just now. It was so inspiring that I ran out between showers to take a few last September photos.

This last flower of the Agapanthus against the Cotinus Grace struck me as being particularly lovely.

Of course, having read both my magazines from cover to cover I now have a long, long list of "must do" chores waiting for the rain to stop. The biggest irony is that the wind has finally dropped, but of course I STILL can’t spray off that area for the Sedum bed because it won’t stop raining …. Grrr! 

Agapanthus & Cotinus Grace

Agapanthus & Cotinus Grace

While having coffee this morning, and as soon as daylight appeared, I felt something odd about the great outdoors. I went out and the sky had a slight pink hue from it. There was a strange feeling that only lasted about 10 seconds. It was like some kind of ‘aura’. I can’t explain it at all, but I felt at total peace with my surroundings.

No, I don’t need to be locked up just yet!

Sky looks very ordinary in the photo

Sky looks very ordinary in the photo

Being the last day of the month, I took a few last photos for my September album.

My Annuals Border is looking a bit bedraggled.

The ‘volunteer’ Cosmos are the best looking thing there now.




Hey, look what’s in flower!

Saxifraga fortunei 'Rubrifolia'

Saxifraga fortunei ‘Rubrifolia’

Lots of gaps now in the greenhouse border. I have pulled up all my marigolds (hadn’t realized how big an area they had taken up), and cut back rudbeckia (but not completely). Everything is starting to look tatty, but I hate cutting things back so early. Chrysanths are still looking great. Didn’t realize how much the slugs love them. But as they are hardy, and provide me with a bit of late colour, they have earned their keep here. They have pulled through the last two winters unscathed.

Arctotis is still looking great, and still producing flowers. I haven’t actually planted these, so they don’t have to be uprooted for overwintering.

Arctotis and Chrysanthemums

Arctotis and Chrysanthemums

So many great plans for Steve’s new project tomorrow. All materials have been purchased/acquired ie. roll of fibre glass, chicken wire, catalyst, resin, other bits and pieces, and today a ‘Mother of all’ angle grinder was borrowed to slice through a portion of the pathway that will get in the way. Serious pond work was due to start in earnest tomorrow, but the weather is not looking very good at all.
All revved up and no place to go...

All revved up and no place to go…

Clare gave be this Arum last year. It flower great in the Spring, I spotted the new leaves showing already, is it normal to have new growth and seed heads at the same time. My first time with these so am unsure if this is normal.


I do it at least once, well maybe twice a year! and although I have bought other acers since this first one is special!

I have noticed that the branches hanging over the little wall are going this vivid red first, I wonder is it that they are getting the most sun and also the extra heat from the wall.

Will put a couple of photos in the summer album

Showing off again!

Showing off again!

Most of you will know I am big into my planters and pots, constantly moving and changing displays. I love the way an area can be changed with a little bit of rearranging and moving.

This does take time and effort, but it is time well spent in my book.

But next year I am planning to put special/different plants into larger pots. I will be placing these pots in group settings in different areas around the garden. There will be still some of the smaller pots in use, but am planning to use these for lots of bulb planting but that will be another story.

Lashing rain out there at the moment, no gardening tomorrow, so after the match on Sunday morning, full steam ahead ;-)) 

Photo from last year.

Photo from last year.

I only bought this during the summer. It has filled its pot to capacity. Would it be ok to split the ‘offsets’ after flowering, or should I wait until next Spring?
Echeveria 'Setosa'

Echeveria ‘Setosa’

Just noticed that it is well over a week since I have contributed anything to this site! Life has been busy with all kinds of things and apart from cutting the grass I have not been doing any gardening.

However, the garden moves on and it is now harvest-time in the orchard and wind-fall apples are there for the picking. Its a race to see who gets there first! There are the crows, the wasps, and the slugs but also the more attractive feeders such as pheasants and hares.

I had a great laugh the other morning as I watched two young hares having breakfast on the apples and playing among the apple trees! What fun they had as they leaped high in the air! Really lovely to see! I did try to take some pictures from the bedroom window but not easy to get a good one!

Im still waiting to get a picture of the cock pheasant enjoying his breakfast!

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Watching the Late Late debate for president. Maria turned around and asked ”well Fran why would you like to be President”?


Fran answered, ”A big Garden” ……………


Aoife came in from Scouts, sat and watched a little bit of it. When Micheal D was talking, Aoife turned around and laughed, saying ”He’s like Dobby” (Harry Potter).


I just cracked up. 

Just for a laugh

Just for a laugh