Month: June 2012

To day after the Country Market, the day turned out fine though windy. I spent some time in the front garden removing nettles, briars and vetches as well as digging a patch of ground which was blue with Forget Me Nots during April/May. Now I have space to plant out some of the bedding plants, which originated as seeds given to me at Johnstown in January. Yesterday was such on account of the rain, that outdoor work was out of the question. The place looks a bit better than when Bill came last week. I am expecting two members from Waterford on Wednesday. In the area where I was working, preparing the ground and weeding, there is Philadelphus which is looking very good at present. In previous years, there has been a scent of oranges from it, in the evening, due partly to the warmer days, hence the common name Mock Orange. Hypericum hidcote is beginning to give the yellow  flowers. Normally it is in bloom at the feast of St. John the Baptist, 24 June only two days away, hence the name St. John’s Wort.This time last year, I wondered if I would have any due to the very cold December 2010 but it is better than ever now. Roses which were really great, in previous years, about 100 of them are in arrears. Normally they should be great at this time. I also picked some more gooseberries to day so the next really wet day Gooseberry Jam number two will be on the way. By the way, all I sold at the Country Market was one Aloe Vera and that reminds me to rub some of it to my poor hands after the work done in the front.
To day, it appeared that perhaps we might have it dry but when you were about to start operation the rain came down. This happened on a number of occasions. I had planned to put down bedding plants after I had prepared the ground yesterday. Great weather for the Hydrangeas, a good rest for the watering can except in the greenhouse. Almost all plants except Tomatoes, Peppers and some cacti and succulents are out for the rest of the summer. The bedding plants are still in trays except the ones whichare already planted out. Grapes are getting sweeter every day.

Does anyone know how to get rid of these bast**ds? They are munching their way through all my annuals. I have a problem with them every year, but they seem to be really bad this year.

If anybody sees the Dahlia ‘David Howard’ in a nursery could I ever ask you to buy it for me, that is if there is any chance of getting it here directly or by relay!! Hope you don’t mind me making this request but I have been looking for it over the past few years.

No doubt as these things happen the next time I am in a nursery it will be sitting up grinning at me! But two or three would be most welcome so no problem. Thank you.

Sorry about the Bio-digester, but i’m still thinking of ways to hide it

Hi All

I have lots of the above in pots in my tunnel, i sowed the seed in April and they are still quite small, there is a picture in my profile. Is it to late to plant these out as they are still quite small or can i keep them in pots till next year. hate to lose them afetr all the work in getting them this fair. Any ideas greatly appreciated.



Thanks to Damo and Andyf7s for their advice re above, think it will be the first time in my life i took advise from a Liverpool fan.Painful


We just had an exciting morning in the garden recording a programme for Radio Kerry to be aired next Saturday morning – June 30th – from 9am to 11am.  Thankfully the weather held up and it was a very enjoyable experience, highlighting some of the plants and bringing local history and music into the mix.  Check it out on line at if you get the chance.  Remember not til Saturday though….

Poor Iris, to droop like this. 4 letters.

Just noticed the sites address has changed.

i have just writen two journals and tried to save them and they wouldnt up load so i am leaving it till tomorrow. work done so far, weigileas cut back and holly bush tidied and new beds ready to plant up tomorrow. will add photos and journals tomorrow 

‘Schoolgirl’ opened today in the caressingly soft drizzle.

That is all.

I have re-written a blog 4 times and added a photo but it will not upload, so this is a 5th attempt.

i’ll try again

Rachel, thanks a million for the plants. you did great work packing them and they arrived in great condition, I tried to send amessage but think it didn’t go.

The links from my emails are not working. Also having problems uploading this journal

We’re currently upgrading our servers and some users may be experiencing difficulties posting. This issue should be sorted by tomorrow if not sooner! Bear with us!

yep and its organic… as natural as we can get. 

After nearly three years waiting to have my very own garden and minding many plants in pots I am delighted to announce that last week I got the keys of my new home, and the garden is a wonderful blank canvas. There is a lot of work ahead first moving house and then trying to place my plants in some spot in the garden where they’ll be happy until I think about the best design and the best place to give them. I’m so so excited!! I’ll be slowly but surely posting the progress of my garden and I will welcome any ideas to get started!! đŸ™‚

another test -we’re working as hard as this guy

test 2 222


The technical problem that made it impossible to load a journal to club has been resolved.

It is now possible to post new Journal entries as well as Photos.

The problems occurred when the site was being transferred to a new, more powerful server.

Our apologies for the break in service and if there are any continuing problems please let us know, so that they can be addressed.

Many thanks for your patience.

Gerry Daly 



Perfect the way it is.

grass and paving garnden with a lot of plants manly flowers.


In the midst of the effort to get back on air, the July issue of The Irish Garden was dispatched to post-boxes and shop shelves.

A rush of rambling roses… just one of this month’s features!