Month: November 2012

Got some Christmas containers and hanging baskets in today. God Almighty, can the growers not put some originality into these for a change. A little conifer, sprayed with snow, cyclamen, a bit of ivy, and an awful tacky glittery butterfly that will look horrid after the first rain shower. I know they’re planted up with what will sell quickly, and purely for non-gardeners who want a ‘quick fix’? But surely they can cater for us seasoned gardeners too!

Got a bit more shelf painting done today before the rain starts. It’s gonna be bad for the next two days at least.

Seriously lacking originalityMore painting done

Wasn’t today a gorgeous day?  Love it when the sun comes out!  I enjoyed just being outside. 

Thanks so much for the Yellowhammer information. I think it is a very pretty bird.  I put it in my blog tonight.  That and pictures of my Erysimum Bowles’ Mauve.  What a plant! It is still looking lovely in the garden, even since the summer. 

I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to check in here as I post blogs. That will help me manage the time I spend on the computer.  Otherwise I’d be on here full-time and never in the garden (or cleaning the house!). 

I hope we have some more sun in store!

Erysimum Bowles’ Mauve – My flower of the Moment.

Erysimum Bowles' MauveErysimum Bowles' Mauve

This is one of my favorite Euphorbias.

It is doing well, but is growing a little leggy, if you know what I mean.

Is this the norm for this plant, or am I doing something wrong? 


Late November can be a rather dismal time of year. The autumn colours, that cheered us to the point of almost making the end of summer bearable, have now nearly vanished and those that remain are depleted by the gentlest breeze, never mind the rough westerlies!

So we need a shining light in the gloom of November days! True, evergreens come into their own in winter and well placed varigated varieties suddenly gain attention, but, for me at least, there is one evergreen shrub that outshines them all and brings light to the border on even the most depressing, drizzly, foggy grey November day.

It’s Mahonia “Charity” ! Masses of tiny sunshine-yellow flowers in spikes that radiate  in a circle like rays from a golden sun! No garden should be without it!

Off sick today with a bad knee. It’s swollen and has a burning sensation – arthritis at its worst. Have been stuck to the chair looking out the window most of the day. Struggled to put stuff out on the bird feeders. You’d want to see how the birds gorged themselves with Wee Daveys Farley’s Rusks that he has outgrown. And Holly had a ball stalking all the birds, and nearly had a major confrontation with a group of marauding magpies looking for a fight.

Stalking magpiesArmeria 'Ballerina' still flowering in the front

…… cleaned up leaves last weekend.

Looking at this lot again yesterday, old Mother Nature is having some fun with me.

I’m off Thus/Friday so will deal with them then.

They keep coming.They look well with the seat ;-))

A great Journal entry to come back with!!!  Was in England, hence lack of entries.  A lovely day here today.  Walking round the garden I came across this great show of Kaffir Lillies brightening up my front side slope!!!  We had heavy frosts Sat and Sun so I was surprised to see them still in bloom

Kaffir Lilly 26th Nov 2012