Month: May 2014

The first of my sarracenia are opening now.

These are temperate, carnivorous plants that I have growing in three specifically-designed bogs.

Hopefully more photos will follow.

I put the brugmansia out in the garden yesterday.

Fran and Clare, you’ll be pleased to know that there is acutally enough space to swing a cat in the greenhouse now.

Not that I acutally want to swing a cat in there !

Anyway, I have lots of flowers this year.

Can anyone give me a name for this little plant. I did think at first it was some kind of geranium but now looking at the leaves I’m not so sure. It has little buds appearing on it now. Any idea? 

This Japanese maple was one of the few plants that travelled with us to Wexford when we moved here in 2001.

After several years in a pot, it was planted on the sheltered/hidden side of this border because of the terrible winds we used to experience in the garden back then. We had birch trees snapped in two in those days and I still balk at the thought of my £30 acer that the wind magicked into a dead stick. But gradually, over the years, extensive planting has reduced wind and we are where we are today.

At the same time, this acer has grown bigger and, as it has a very weeping habit, it gradually encroached on the grass so that it came to hang out over it. Mowing was always a danger.

As there is no way such a large tree could be moved, I decided on a policy of letting the tree (the tail) wag the dog (the border). So, with a bamboo, string and the edger, we remarked this circular bed to give the acer more space and cut the sod out.

I’m not even sure I need to plant anything else at the front but, once I’ve given it a coat of thought, there are plenty of ligularia seedlings and annuals that could slot in there.

Headed off to the Phoenix park first thing this morning, Maria and a friend came with me and as our interest were on different areas we parted company.

I always head straight to the Show Gardens, I like to have a good look at them prior to the crowds building up. 

If I am totally honest, not one single garden stood out or caught my attention to any great degree. There were some good gardens, some interesting parts or features in others but nothing that had the wow factor for me anyway.

It was then onto the plant sales, and I have to say I really enjoyed wandering around and looking at everything. A few plants I did see and was interested in on some of the display stands were not available for sale but I do have the details. I was very very good, and I only had Maria carrying two plants back to the car for me LOL

A miniture conifer, Picea glauca ‘Sanders Blue’ and an amazing Saxifraga ‘southside star’, sadly there were none left for sale that were in flower, but this is one that will be worth waiting for.

A few very quick hellos with some fellow .ier’s, great to see you all short and and all as it was.

A really great day was had by all.

A stop in the local hostilary on the way home was the icing on the cake 😉

Hope you all enjoy your visits over the weekend as much as I did.


S. 'southside star' (web photo)

From sunrise to sunset it was just perfect today. And to cap it all, Steve was off (he likes to make a long weekend longer than normal). So the grass got strimmed. Spacer needed for the lawnmower so while I’m at Bloom tomorrow he will hopefully replace it and have the job done by the time I get home. 

He spent a while makng the fifth and final post for the Lower Pond Surround today which emulates a boats rudder. Got it varnished, and the yoke in place. I watched, and approved. LOL

Tomorrow he will make splice eyes with the two ends of rope and attach to the yoke. Photos will follow!!!!

Never had a white one before, and this has self-seeded in the ‘working’ area of the cave today. The seeds must have been lurking in a pot somewhere. Very welcome sight.

Myself, Greta and another friend went to Bloom today. Couldn’t have asked for better weather. Unfortunately we didn’t managed to see all of the showgardens, or even all of the stalls in the big tent as my legs were really letting me down big time. I do think there really should be seats dotted around the place, and not just at one or two seating areas. It’s not an easy walk if your mobility is restricted. 

One thing I took from Bloom today was that in future I will be bringing my own picnic like I have done in other years. Normally when we’re ready to sit down and have a bite to eat, I send Steve back to the car for it. This year I decided not to burden myself down with a picnic on my back as Steve stayed at home today. I waited over 30 minutes in a queue to get chips and nearly passed out with the effort and the searing heat. Also, I had to carry my own plants – only bought two as a result. But, hey, that’s probably a good thing. LOL 

Having said all that, I was very glad I made it to the event as I had decided during last week that it probably wouldn’t be wise to go this year. Had a change of heart very soon after deciding I wouldn’t go! Roll on next years Bloom, and lets hope my legs will perform better.

Too tired to put up an album tonight but no doubt I’ll be up at 4.30 in the morning. 🙂

Mr. Tayto

There is a huge population of slugs this year and hostas are the first indicator of an attack