Month: July 2014

Last summer i removed this rose bush from a friends garden.

Was not wanted so it is mine now.

Has a glorious scent.Goes to app 1.2 mts high.Name would be much appreciated please.

It fits in well in the rose bed.


Weather brings out the lovely colours of summer.Though to strong at times,especially in the tunnel the greenhouse,and the hot house we wont complain.As growth stops when above 30 deg in tunnel or greenhouse,the water is in full demand at different times throughout the day.

The pictures below were taken from outside the front door here.So good to see them in full bloom.

Last Sunday had a had a very large crowd attend the local.I spoke to many friends in the hall with the exhibits.Plenty on the stands.The rhubarb gained me a red card in first place for 4 years in a row.My single entry of three kestrel potatoes only came in third from 15 entries in that class.I thought my rhubarb did not stand a chance but the result went my way.Now back to the garden.

This privet has been here for years and it does nothing for me…I’d like to remove it and make a wooden planter for the spot…I also would like a arch and grow a lovely rose in the planter…

Now here comes the dilemma Flo wants to keep the privet…plans scupper…

If it was you what would you do keep the old privet or embrace change?

Yes, I’m harping on AGAIN about my love for this rose. A shrub type, and a repeat flowerer. But it epitomises the searing heat of recent days. Not sure about its’ scent as I can’t find space to get into it. But gorgeous!

R. 'Tequila Sunrise'

A big thank you to all my garden friends who posted birthday wishes on Facebook; you really made my day.  I only joined Facebook recently, so please bear with me while I get the hang of it … I’ll post some photos soon.

I had a lovely day, was taken out to Howth for lunch with friends and a walk round the harbour, packed with holiday makers enjoying the beautiful sunshine.  The Irish Garden magazine arrived in the post just as I was leaving, so I didn’t see it until this evening and was surprised and delighted to find that I’d won a reader’s prize (thank you Ruth (Ladybird) for alerting me).  I submitted a query a while ago and Gerry Daly responded by email but didn’t mention that it would appear in the magazine.  So what better way to finish off a birthday!!  Oh, and I am enjoying another glass of vino as I type this.

It’s been a busy week as we’re getting the front garden paved and will be revamping the planting, photos to follow in due course.  Meanwhile, clematis ‘Star of India’ is flowering nicely on the patio wall in the back garden.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Clematis 'Star of India'

Last year Rachel gave me a nice mixture of three Aeoniums. Sadly I lost two of them, but A. Ballernum has done great and seems to be loving this heat.

On my last visit to Rachel she again gave me some cuttings, I’m glad to say these seem to have all rooted and are doing good.

Thanks Rachel.

This what 2 of the fish in the pond look like….

A bonus from yesterdays thinning out of the Bamboo is another nice collection of canes for the garden. I just have to allow them dry and they’ll be ready to use.

To day, possibly the hottest day this month,  came home from the country Market, where I had a read of the July Irish Garden. why so late. The answer was that I was so busy at everything that there was still something to read. Then I arrived home to find the August issue in the hall. I was hoping to do a lot of work in the garden but the temperature was too high. I took out the August Irish Garden and no doubt plenty to read. Then as I moved along what did I see but an article Starting from Seeds. This related to Mary and Paddy and their garden in Waterford. Well done Mary and Paddy.

I’m a late starter at gardening but I love it !

My city garden is a manageable size with very poor drainage & poor quality soil. The only thing I could safely grow was moss & grass until I bought my lovely little greenhouse 🙂

I now have raised beds full of scallions, spinach, rocket, lettuce, coriander, beans, radishes.

My investment in the greenhouse was so worthwhile, not for cheap veg of course (the supermarket veg is always going to be cheaper) but for the sheer enjoyment of seeing a seed or cutting evolve into a thing of pure beauty & then eating it 🙂

Centaurea montana ‘Amethyst in Snow’ is putting on its final show for the year.

THANK YOU Clara – you kindly gave me this lovely plant last January when we all met up in Johnstown.  Really I should have put it in a pot on its own but instead put it in with another Osteo which I bought in Lidl.   Have just taken some cuttings.  It’s giving a great show this summer and I will be careful about over-wintering it!!

Osteospermum whirligig

I’ve let some of my fennel go to seed. Pretty, don’t you think?

I cut back a Bamboo today,

somehow or other one part of it ended up in our bedroom,

Aoife and myself had a great laugh,

while Maria was more worried about foreign bodies in the bedroom.

A silly moment but one that will be remembered by us for a long time.


But lovely all at the same time.

Just in the door after been in the garden since having breakfast at 7.30 out there this morning. Lots of pottering, sitting, teas and coffees, ice cream and lots of chat and laughs. We really had a fab relaxed day.

Yes at times like this all the work we do in the garden is well worth it.

And to anyone who said that large-flowered species cattleyas could not be flowered on a windowsill, I say phooey!

Seriously though, I’m very pleased with this one. It’s been a long time deciding whether it likes me or not 😉

Cattleya purpurata

To day was dull up to mid day. Then the sun came out and the temperature rose. Some deadheading of roses carried out. Hydrangeas show need of water. While other parts of the country got thunder showers, we got none here and the place could do with some rain. Some ground was dug and wallflower seed sown. Watering of tomato plants carried out. While I am enjoying tomatoes on a regular basis, I have the first pound for sale for the Country Market to morrow.


not much gardening done the last twodays John had to go to Galway for a check up andto day he went and fetched his birthday presant (his new car) so only the lawns got cut and the tunnle got weeded out we are freezing runnerbeans and broadbeans nearly every day the new water butts are working overtime today with the thundery showers.

around the beds

Well, I don’t think I’ve had it before anyway. Any I had other years were purply or yellow. I think this is the only one that germinated this year, or that survived anyway, so I’m delighted. I think maybe the seed was a bit old!

Got this in Lidl and  all it said on the label was Perrenial ! Very informative! NOT

I feel as if I should know it but noting is coming to mind. I blame the heat.

Anyone have any idea please. Thanks

plant id

I am writing this on behalf of our special gardening group ‘Green Fingers’. The gardeners will be welcoming visitors to our allotment at Rathbeggan Lakes next Tuesday from 11.00 till 2.30. We would love you all to come and feel free to bring a friend. We promise you will have a great time sharing your love for plants and will leave inspired by joy gardening brings to all, irrespective of ability.

The allotment is on the old Dunshaughlin  Road  on the left few miles before  you get to Dunshaughlin…not too far from Blanchardstown and the M50. We will put up ballons to mark where you turn in. If you need more detailed directions please message me. 

Hope some of you will be able to make it. 



Got this late in the season last year so never had the joy of seeing it flower…….until today.

H. 'Girl Scout'

Got some Arisaema seeds from Deborah a few years ago and sowed them. Nothing ever happened with them, so I lost interest. I thought I disposed of most of them, and their labels, when I realised that they were going to be a non-runner. But this one must have been missed.

At least, I THINK it’s an arisaema. But please don’t ask me which one. Very happy though that this one got overlooked!

Dusty and Charlie spend more time in the garden than I do so its about time they met everyone.

The Guys