Month: December 2014

Weird looking clouds this evening that looked like an approaching Tsunami.

It seems that the camera I had been using cannot be repaired so I decided to buy a new one. It is a FUJIFILM 16 mega pixels, compared with the old one SONY 4.1 mega pixels. It is not as user friendly as the old one. For some time, I wondered where the instructions were. All I could see was some pictures. Then as the man who wanted to see the sunrise, it dawned on me. I put the CD into the computer and Eurika, there it was. So here is the first picture. It is a Yucca which is not open and perhaps it wont. After all it is December.


Here are the Wednesday videos.

The first one is seasal and about germinating cold seeds, specifically erythroniums and giant Madeira Cow Parsley….

Germinating Cold Seeds – YouTube

And, there is also a video of last summer in the garden, showing, Sarita, our Indian Princess She serves a very specific purpose which I have written about in the January/February issue of the magazine (to be published soon). Don’t give the game away, those in the know!

Sarita, the Indian Princess – YouTube

I’ve been somewhat off form this past week. Nasty cough which is really slow to clear. Apart from cough bottle, a natural remedy called Ivy Thyme ( really vile tasting) and a hot whiskey every night Iam not taking anything for it…. Today I must have been better as I attacked, sorry pruned two apples and one pear tree. Had intended doing more but honestly I wasn’t up to it. I think the trees look all the better now that the crossing and damaged branches have been removed. The plum tree really needs attention but advice tells me that plum are best pruned in early spring to prevent Silver Leaf disease ? Another old shrub also got a severe chop down in the back patio garden. I left the root stock and stumps for new growth. I did a strange thing yesterday when planting two early fruiting rasberry canes. I removed some suckers from my autumn fruiting raspberry and as the roots looked viable was loath to discand them. Two have now found a new home in the patio beds among various perennials. Some others are in one flower bed. Reckon the cough bottle and other cures may have been affecting my judgement?????

A very big thank you to Paddy and Mary Tobin for this wonderful bergenia.

It is quite vigorous and has fabulous autumn colour a little later on.

I think it looks good here because in winter the red colour catches your eye from the front door.

And, it’s an Irish cultivar too, hailing from just around the corner from where I grew up in Dublin. So, there may have been a spot of hinting when I saw Mary and Paddy’s original photo and heard of its provenance…

Bergenia 'Balawley'

There was lots of work done here yesterday as it was a beautiful, dry, clear day.

I bagged some leaves, weeded, tidied, swept, removed moss, moved pots to shelter, lifted the last of the potted dahlias and autumn pruned the roses. Hubby got busy with the mower, which is heavy going as we’re currently reduced to hand mower.

I’m going to try a little experiment in overwintering 3 ricinus. Will let you know how it goes!

And lucky I got those plants lifted as it frosted again last night. I’m still getting the hang of the greenhouse heater though and had it too low so hit a +2 minimum!!! That’s it for trying to economise with the lowest setting I think I’ll get away with. I’m going to err on the side of caution in future!

Saw some lovely plants on facebook.  Filled a trolley on a website and then abandoned it when sense prevailed πŸ™‚ Anyone else do this?

I thought this combination of leaves in the garden was particularly attrative.

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Burgundy'

I finally got around to putting up the bubble-wrap on the greenhouse – I wasn’t going to make much use of it this year – or so I thought! But you know how it is – plants just seem to creep into the greenhouse out of the cold when you are not looking ….

So I have a shelf full of stuff to keep frost-free so the bubble-wrap was a must! I’m even thinking of putting a layer of something over the outside too. Since the damage it suffered last year it has been leaking like a sieve!

Memo to self – put up the bubble-wrap BEFORE you fill the greenhouse up with plants πŸ™

So as I struggled with bubble-wrap binding itself around my legs, and moved the plants from A to B and then to C,D,E,F so I could complete the task! I put up several wires along the length of the roof and they made the job a lot easier but it was still a bit of a chore. While I was playing Musical Chairs with the plants I spotted the little guy in the photo – I didn’t think caterpillars were supposed to be around in December ????

He had made his lunch on my Levende steen (Living Stone – thank you Jacinta) but it was too tough for him so he moved on to this little Persicaria and had it for dessert! I regret to say he will not be sampling any more of my plants and hopefully my friendly neighbourhood Blackbird will enjoy the treat πŸ™‚

When you are doing your Christmas Shopping you might like to pick up your Kris Kringle gift – remember ! Not more than €10 please!!!!

Now that December is here my thoughts are turning to the details for our get-together. I felt the event worked well last year but if anyone has any suggestions for changes please let me know.

The only issue I remember was the lack of a microphone for the raffle, Kris Kringle and speeches. I’m working on this – trying to find one to borrow! If anyone can help on this please send me a PM on it.

And of course the success of the whole event depends on us deciding to participate! 

I would welcome volunteers for the Raffle and the Kris Kringle again this year – and maybe some new volunteers? These items have been run superbly in past years so why not get involved? It is not fair to expect the same people to do it every year so please send me a PM if you would like to do something this year.

From last year the timetable was

11 am to 1 pm – plant swap in the car park

1 pm to 5 pm – Lunch, raffle, Kris Kringle, chat, shop, etc πŸ™‚



The Raffle is free for everyone – and I’d like to ask anyone who wishes to donate a prize to let me know.

 Kris Kindle

 If you want to participate in the Kris Kindle please bring along a wrapped gift – (husbands and wives can bring two if they wish!). The gift should not cost more than €10 as we want to make sure everyone can participate. It is of course optional to take part, but it does add to the fun!

 Plant Swap

Nearer the time I expect people will be posting lists of their spare plants for the plant swap. I think its important to say that not everyone will have plants to swap, and some people will have plants they just want to give to a good home, so don’t be shy – when someone posts a plant you would like just speak up!


If we had stuff not promised to anyone in particular there is a good cause that would welcome donated plants. Our member Maureendid i is involved with the Daughters of Charity who run services for people with Intellectual disabilities at Weavers in Coolmine. They have an allotment that the clients care for and would welcome our “spare” plants.


So, it’s the first of December today.

I’ve finished putting all the photos in my November album, if anyone wants a look.

Pelargoniums are finished flowering in the greenhouse and it’s now that I’m really coming to appreciate the ones with nice foliage.

Better go out and do a bit…

Pelargonium 'Cream 'n Green'

Well nearly πŸ˜‰

I dropped into Woodies yesterday and their garden centre looked amazing. Just as you go outside this guy was there to welcome everyone :). 

Pit was a fabulous display!! 

Not long now!!!!!!! πŸ™‚