Month: April 2015

Can someone name this little shrub please, I bought it in a local nursery a few weeks ago but it had no tag or label, the beautiful little flowers just caught my eye!

I have been waiting a long time for this beauty to open. Worth the wait I think. 

Jacintas lilies are potting up nicely . I just noticed a stowaway too Jacinta and believe it to be a baby Peony from the same bed the Lilies came from ! Shall I leave it be ? Of course I will as it’s much to small to be handled , ha ha . A second year Paulownia has also found it’s way into this collection 

The Primary aim of this Greenhouse is also to have our son involved as its therapeutic for Special Needs .We have seen our local Enable Ireland Adult Services use a Greenhouse Tunnel and is very successful. Even raised funds with what they grew so everyone is happy.

Our Special Needs School St .Gabriel’s place emphasis on having small garden projects and the pupils love it been involved ,to feeling the clay to sowing the seeds and see them progress.


We had Tomatoes ,Lettuce,peppers ,Potatoes ,Strawberries growing in it as the photo shows we had Darragh involved.

Enjoying the Greenhouse.

very interesting article in the Times today. 

Today I have decided to power wash. Only it takes so much effort pulling huge planters off the yard and patio, and then deciding which pots will go back. I find it very difficult to get my head around actually doing this job. But it will look good when it’s done. Come on! Push me!

Lots of seedlings peeping up in the planter Adam made for close to the house,I was too lazy to trek down to the veggie patch every time I want some lettuce or spring onions so he made this planter and I have lettuce, rocket, spring onions, garlic chives, thyme, parsley, spinach and coriander planted in it. The parsley and thyme were little pots from Aldi and the rest I put in as seeds a few weeks ago so hopefully I can have a nice fresh salad soon straight from outside the back door, if the slugs dont find them first:-)

Salad and herb planter!

Looking like something from the Cold War, I love watching the snouts of Arisaema coming up out of the compost.

Looks like it’s going to be a lovely day out there.


Just look at the detail in these Euphorbia flowers.

i have wanted to get a good garden kneeler for quite a while, when i went to home store and more they were gone and just by good luck i remembered to try argos and thankfully they had one. 

now i can weed to my hearts content and not struggle to get up off the ground and i can use it to sit on too. 

happy days 🙂

Home from Fota on this glorious day. Talk of being well supported. !! I am not good at places shops and fairs where there is loads of stuff, I get bewildered and so I was only there an hour. Treasure Trug looked great and it was good to meet Rachel and Liga again. I got a lovely Pelargonium there. I met lots of iers and hope that Hazel and Elizabeth will call up later; also Joann and her friend are coming …..hope the Brack goes around!!  Mary Joe, Margaret and Ted , Eilish, and Una and of course Deb and Martin. Got a lovely FFairy from Deb she had a great array of fairy folk.  Bought about  6 plants nothing exotic . Must repeat to myself next year …’ go to Caherhurley’ first and say it one hundred times. I paid €10 for a plant they had for €4 ……grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Must go now visitors coming…..

I have 6 garden beds out side and a polytunel . 

It was great to see this vibrant Red Colour this morning ,in the shade.The Sun just brings out the best in the Tulips,

Tulips  have failed to grow in the garden in the past 20 years.This years so good so far…


It is a beautiful morning here in Roscommon….I spent all day yesterday weeding, they really come so fast this time of year…I am delighted with how the garden is looking at moment,plenty of color from the bulbs  etc……

Does anyone have any idea what is best way to get rid of ants in the garden… when I get bitten by them I suffer for about 3 weeks with a horrible itchy sore lump …I have tried lots of different creams and afterbite but nothing seems to work ….so I think the only solution is get rid of the ants…..any advice welcome 🙂

Prunus Sirotae

Yep, Amorphophallus konjac is in bloom!!!!!!!!!!

There She Blows – Amorphphophallus Konjac in Flower – YouTube

Amazing how quickly a new bed fills up, started out as a Rose bed but now containing Heathers, Fuchias, Lupins, Liatris, Bellis, Gladioli and Bellis …. Now to stop Kody the pup helping me dig up things !!

I bought this in Johnstown at the get together this year. 

I didn’t expect to see it in flower just yet, but to my surprise it is just breaking through now. It’s a real deep wine colour. Can’t wait to see it in full bloom. Love Astrantia. 

I was shocked today when I saw my Galanthus Straffan, the foliage has been totally devoured by something.

I have had flowers eaten earlier in the year, but I have never seen the foliage eaten to this extent.

I was finally giving the Rose Garden its first clean-up of the year. I had a couple of visitors during the week and was mortified at the state of that area!

So as I sttod up to empty the bucket of weeds I was amused at how that bed looked – like one of those unreal “before and after” shots … what do you think?

Before and after

Anyone interested in visiting Mount Congreve next week? Weather is to be good so we are thinking of making the trip, probably Wed. If anyone else is free to meet it would be lovely.

Acers are starting to look good now and I love how the morning sun shines through the leaves of this one.

Acer palmatum Beni Otake

Found these in a disused poly tunnel last Jan and planted them two weeks ago . They certainly look healthy . I hope these are beans and not flowers emerging ?? seeds were bean shaped, shiny black and firm . I won’t be eating them for a while yet ! 

A video on dividing astillboides, a herbaceous perennial.

Dividing Astilboides – YouTube

Have had a busy couple of weeks and can’t believe how time is going so quick since Christmas. After a slow start I have now finally caught up on weeding, cutting back and general tidying of beds. A wee bit every day makes it a less daunting task!

Have had a very big wish come true in the shape of an Eden glass house…. have always wanted one but just never had cash to spare so buy one until now. Thanks to Jackie for all her advice and to my hubbie and son who spent most of the Easter putting it together…. I’m delighted with it and it’s great to have so much space for seed sowing etc instead of every window sill in the house!!

I left an l=shaped bed for growing tomatoes, cucumbers etc and maybe a grape vine, and concreted the remainder. I purchased the shelves in Aldi a while ago.  So I’m all set. Have yet to decide what to do around the outside of the  greenhouse although I do like what Jackie did .. very practical.  Any ideas?? Also anyone  any advice on growing grapes … difficulty, type etc … Have put up an album showing building process of the greenhouse and also some of my spring flowers.

I’m enjoying the new direction some .iers are going in with their video clips. Very informative and witty! (I’m one of those greedy ones Debroah!! I love it when you can divide a plant or even better have a couple of strays in there too that you weren’t expecting.) And Rachel saying the Latin names of the plants along with seeing the name is helping me want to learn them more as before I’d learn a name and then realise later I was mispronouncing it!! J

God but it’s so slow to put up pictures. I think I’ll be like Sallysarah and start up knitting

Springtime 2015

Little did Scrubber realise last tuesday week as he got back into the swing of things-compost drawing, veg bed prparing, mowing, strimming that it would be ages before he got out again. The dreaded flu struck and believe me, as doc confirmed today it was the real thing! So no sight of garden for a week and a half and now can only feebly totter-I kid you not! down to gate and back again. By this time next week I hope to be fine but its going to take a bit!

In the meantime Mother nature has danced into late spring and tulips and blossom and pasqueflowers are all waving to me from outside. Not alone could I not garden, I couldnt read or watch tv or do computer. Just slept and dozed and counted my blessings that I hadnt anything worse.

However this is just to explain why I may not have seemed interested. I was but was ‘out of it’ Today was the first full day up so propably FINGS WILL IMPROVE!

Little did Scrubber realise last tuesday week as he got back into the swing of things-compost drawing, veg bed prparing, mowing, strimming that it would be ages before he got out again. The dreaded flu struck and believe me, as doc confirmed today it was the real thing! So no sight of garden for a week and a half and now can only feebly totter-I kid you not! down to gate and back again. By this time next week I hope to be fine but its going to take a bit!

In the meantime Mother nature has danced into late spring and tulips and blossom and pasqueflowers are all waving to me from outside. Not alone could I not garden, I couldnt read or watch tv or do computer. Just slept and dozed and counted my blessings that I hadnt anything worse.

However this is just to explain why I may not have seemed interested. I was but was ‘out of it’ Today was the first full day up so propably FINGS WILL IMPROVE!