Month: July 2015

Hello all.

Can you tell me when is the best time to take rose cuttings as I’m getting in new path ways and the corner of my house has to be cleared I have a heavenly scented old rose I want to save its been there over 50years also my pyrachanta  my hebes are huge can I move them now or let them go they’re lovely at the moment on full flower my garden has gpne competely wild so im getting out there now that the weather is warm and no knee pain lol!!! 

I’m uploading some photos you’ll see the way my poor front garden has gone BUT my roses are blooming through it all lol!! Please excuse the state of it.

Just back from 2 weeks in France and the garden is looking not too bad. Everything is overgrown and now it is a matter of cut, cut, cut. The compost heap is quickly filling up.

It was quite wet here and the slugs have had a field day – demolished newly planted cosmos and eaten the centres out of the calabrese – I’ve never seen that before.

I went on a rampage last night and there are a lot less slugs in the garden now!!

The Astrantias are looking well at the moment so here are a few photos of them.

Took some photos of plants in France so will post an album soon.

Hope you are all well.

Last Saturday I went to see Drimbraun gdn (part of the Clew Bay Garden Trail) and although it was an overcast day the garden was beautiful.  I spotted a glorious white plant – Gladolus x colville ‘the bride’ – it was just stunning.  I’ve since googled it and now not sure if it is hardy.  Does any gdn.ier have this in their garden?   I have to get this plant!!!

Glad. x colvillei 'the bride'

Who got the Aug magazine today, ohh thats i, no more to do but read now, i hope ye all enjoy the magazine and the weekend 

Can anyone explain the following problem?

Have you ever seen all the leaves of ALL the Aquilegia being completely eaten away, with only the veins left attached to the stems?

It is just so odd!  What army of beasties has such an appetite?

Does anyone know if you must pre book online a visit to powerscourt ? I googled it and am slightly confused. Can one not simply ” visit ” ???? Thanks

I like this plant but it does not like me!!  I see photos some of you show with massive clumps in lovely colours and and think how do they do that.  It is quite an expensive plant to buy,,,,I think plants have got very expensive this year…….so I need some tips from you how to keep it happy… and me too.  A stand at Blarney had some lovely big ones in red and I regret not getting one and having another try . So tips please and thank you. To day  I did buy a big maroon colour Hydrangea that apparently changes colour thru the flowering period.

The Irish Garden Magazine was in the post box this morning. So I am going to spend a leisurely while reading this afternoon. But I was so excited when I opened the magazine to see that the garden featured this month is Margots (Fleurette)! I have had the pleasure of visiting this beautiful garden and so it is a treat to see photos and read about it again.

So if you’re fed up with the weather today, make a cuppa and relax with the mag!

Well done Margot!

The same

The first pic shows the hardy orchid I bought in a market in France about 3 yrs ago.  It’s been in a pot outside all year round.  Lots more foliage this year with 2 flowers!!  The other is a surprise wild orchid down in the lower border by front entrance.  We have spotted wild orchids this year (hadn’t seen them for about 6 years) in long grass on a round walk that we do from our house.

hardy orchid bought in Francewild orchid which has just appeared

Just love this Heuchera – bought it at the Galway Flower Festival about 3 years ago.  By sheer coincidence a double double poppy with similar lilac colouring has chosen to share the same spot in the garden!!

Heuchera 'midnight rose'a double double poppy

This is my third summer with Rhodochiton. It’s looking rather well now.

Dug up this Musa basjoo earlier, as it was in a position whereby it was being shaded by other bigger plants in the greenhouse border. It has been treated with a fortnightly feed and pleny of t.l.c. and is definitely benefitting.

Musa basjooMusa basjoo

Have some Sempervivums planted into an old pair of fins (flippers to you and me!)  that Steve used in the job years ago. The flowers are pretty, and the plant itself requires little or no attention.

Sempervivum 'Kramer's Spinrad'

I’m loving the pond border just now, it’s pretty much how I wanted it. And the thick foliage is perfect for the wildlife too.  The only sad note is that the weeping birch we planted for Alan’s dad hasn’t done well, but I cut away the dead stems and gave it a good feed and it seems to be perking up.  

Here are some flowers. Perhaps sonebody can identify them.


Before the deluge that we have been enduring here for the last 2 days non stop, I saved some Angela archangelica seeds as the plant does produce masses.

This year I have decided to sow them and hope that I have plants to give away in Jan so fingers crossed that they will germinate.

Having a chat in Altamont Gardens. How chuffed was I !!!

Well, I’d better get these videos on here before I get a private message asking what’s going on. lol.

The first of this week’s videos is a tour of the Bay Garden in Camolin Wexford and, at the end, I show the plants I bought. I enjoyed a beautiful, dry stroll there with Deborah and Martin Begley last Saturday…

Garden Room For Every Mood – Bay Garden, Wexford – YouTube

The second video is on streptocarpus care…

Streptocarpus Care – YouTube

As usual, there have been other videos since last Wednesday, which you can find by going to my channel, if anyone is interested. Thanks and enjoy!

Just posting these couple of photos to remind myself what colour the sun is.

At the beginning of the summer I wasn’t too enamoured by my Gypsophila. It was a bit puny, to say the least. But I have changed my mind. It’s a womans prerogative after all.

It’s looking so dainty but has an abundance of flowers. I think it will have to stay, but will be moved to a more suitable spot when flowering is over.

Gypsophila paniculataGypsophila paniculata

Got this at Fota plant fair earlier in the year and is just coming into flower now, a great hot colour and fits perfectly into the garden here.

Look at any flower in your garden,


look closer.

I think I may have gone a little too far this time……………

I was kindly given a plant by Joann at one of the get-togethers a few years ago. It’s Berkheya something or other (possibly Berkeya glabrata). But not getting any real info on its growing conditions on Google, or what to expect of it later, or even whether it’s a long or short-lived plant. It’s still in a pot after all this time, but hoping to plant it into Steve’s new border. I think Steve will like it with its unusual spiky leaves. 

All advice welcome. Thanks in advance.

…………since I put up an album, so I just did a quick walk round the garden and took some photo so I will have a record of what is in bloom in July. Hope you enjoy.