Month: August 2015

Two types of Thalictrum starting to flower now. Such pretty little plants, with flowers that are so airy looking.

Thalictrum delavayiiThalictrum 'Hewitt's Double'

I posted some pictures a few weeks ago of the annual wildflower meadow beds, which were very lopsided – Alan’s had lots of multicoloured annuals, and mine had almost all poppies. Well, you can see mine from the kitchen window, and what a sight! I might make the same  mistake again, on purpose!

Is flowering now, really like the strong colours on this one.

The pond was filled today. Looking great. But as the water pressure is quite low here today it has taken all day. Still not finished. It’s taking a serious amount of water. But I’ll continue it tomorrow.

Two nice lilies opened today, Lavon (tree lily) and another that I think is L. ‘Montego Bay’.

Lavon - Tree lilyThink this one is L. 'Montego Bay'

Are fighting for thier space in the Tropical area these days đŸ˜‰

Thank you for all your recent advice on planting shrubs, got started Saturday, made good progress, kind of know now what I need to do. I propagated my first plant, a geranium, then I went a bit mad & took a piece off each plant in sight. Don’t know if I was actually taking the right part but I am sure I will find out soon. 

at the claregalway show i picked up these bamboo but the guy at the stall could not remember what variety they are. i have fargeisa and i have compared them and to be honest trying to menu_order two peas out of a pod and trying to see if they are from the same pod if ye get my drift, 

if anyone can help i would be so happy.

it was very windy and wet at times today so i decided to leave laying out the plants until tomorrow, i did try but they kept falling over so very hard to see what worked so off i went and did a bit of shopping, took a trip to a nursery that is closing down- what a pity) , i will call back again as i saw something i really like, then i went to woodies  – plants shopping, i came home with two melsplis and a miscantus zebrus ( excuse the spelling). the mespelis are small but i dont mind them growing into their space, i know it will become a small tree but that will be a good few years yet, i seen them on love your garden and love them. 

tomorrow is promised good i hope so, i can get the plants laid out.

i pottered about for an hour this evening and was so happy to find another miscantus but not the zebra but i can divide this and use it in the new area and a phormium that should be dead as it was neglected it is still alive, i gave it a liquid feed and left it in the tunnel for now,  that will also be used as a focal point. my banana plants are in need of TLC  so i have put them in the tunnel and gave them a good feed so that should help them along with some heat and they should recover, i stupidly left them exsposed to the wind and they look terrible but they are still putting up new leaf so they will be fine 


bamboo menu_order

Final pond is now completed – except for a small bit of tweaking. Pump has been tried out, and is supposed to flow in two different directions over the front of the cave. But might be next weekend before Steve gets a longer time at it. Just posting a collection of photos from both yesterday and today. I’m sure there will still be lots of changes in the planting, but this is basically it. For some reason, the final photo is not being saved into the album, so I’ll post it here.

Was it worth waiting 4yrs for????????????????


I’ve tried growing this Glory Lily before, and with no luck whatsoever. But about 4yrs ago, when HeadGardener (Bill) had his open day, I saw how it should have been done. He had a beautiful specimen growing in his conservatory. Mine had been growing outdoors.

So over the last few days, I’ve seen this one beginning to open (in the greenhouse). Success at last! I’m hoping it’ll overwinter and get it going for next year too. Maybe that’s pushing it a bit. But we’ll see.

Really like this one and it’s bulking up very well.

Hazel, can you provide a name for this lovely geranium I spotted on your Open Day?  It’s below the deck, beside the paving circle, and it’s just lovely.  Apologies for the poor photo, the flower is out of focus.

Also saw this cheery orange plant in your front garden and wondered if it’s an orange Welsh poppy, or is it something else?


Flowering here for the first time, saw this in England a couple of years ago and it was a must have plant.

Thank you, to whoever gave it to me. I can’t remember and I’d do damage trying to get to the label at the moment.

Looks like another beautiful day out there, so enjoy if you can.

No matter what the weather throws at this cute little Gladiolus, it opens up on more or less the same date year after year. This is G. ‘Atom’.

Putting aside the earlier flowering Roscoea cautleyoides, I have two roscoeas in flower at the moment. Another has ust gone over and some more are coming. I love roscoeas.

The ones pictured are…

Roscoea ‘Brown Peacock’

Raoscoea ‘Red Gurkha’


I bought this beautiful Clivia a few years ago, possibly 4 or 5. It was in full flower when I bought it, but haven’t seen sign nor sight of a flower ever again. Can’t even remember what colour it was.

Each year I’ve said to her that she was getting her marching orders and she pleaded with my softer nature. Of course, I always gave in. Bit of a wuss, I am. But when I gave her an ultumatum last year she did promise to come up with the goods, but only if I decided to feed her occasionally. 

It looks like she is keeping her side of the bargain. Yes, Miss Clivia, you can stay!

She even has a baby

Alstromeria Indian Summer, given to me by Krista and bought on our Mad Adventure to England 2 years ago. It is great having plants to remind you of such a trip.

The dark foliage and strong colours of the flowers suit the Tropical area perfectly.

A. Indian SummerA. Indian Summer

Dad grows a lot of weeds in his garden. But I spotted this one today that I’ve never seen before. Can anyone tell me what it is, please?

Despite the wet cold summer in mayo the tomatoes and garden have faired well we have had a bummper crop of moneymaker tomatoes in the new tunnel.also the cherry tomatoes are good. we may have a Indian summer ,when the children go back to school the sun always seems to come out then.

and i mean a quick walkabout, sweet divine the weeds have completely taken over the front garden, its going to take months to get this sorted agggggggh.

the next time i make or mention making new borders please have the men in white coats take me away pleeeeeze.

making great progress with the new area, its coming along well, most of the planting is done, there is still a couple of days work to do but then it will be ready to enjoy.

i brought out my breakfast yesturday morning and although there was alot of empty pots thrown all over the place i enjoyed just looking at what i have created 

i am really happy with it, cant wait to show it to you when i have it finished.

I got some Ricinus seedlings from Deborah earlier in the year. I have never had such great looking plants, just look at the size of these leaves and getting bigger.

Thanks Deborah.

My Mahonia ‘Winter Sun’ looked stunning in the foreground of last nights sunset.

Cautleya spicata is starting to open now. I love the way you get random ones feet away from the original. This area is soon to have a make over. So I hope I don’t damage this in the process.

Cautley spicataCautleya spicata

Found this self seeded in one of the pots. 

I have seen it in the past, just can’t remember. Initally I was thinking Mimulus but don’t think so now.

There’s only one thing to do! And on the two nice evenings of this sad summer, I have enjoyed the excuse for a wee glass. So thanks to Alan’s dad, whose legacy made the terrace possible.  Cheers, Pop!

I love the markings that my Witch Hazels develop at this time of year.