
Space and Time





Where there is room for large plants, small plants never achieve the desired result, even when used in numbers.


Scanner Q76


Where there is room for large plants, small plants never achieve the desired result, even when used in numbers
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Equally, care must be taken not to use over-large plants in a small garden. There are plants suitable for every size of garden. Usually, there isn’t much can be done about the amount of space available; the challenge is to use it to best effect.




Some garden features are very time-consuming – large lawns, hedges, rose beds, bedding plants, containers, rockeries, fruit and vegetables. On the other hand, trees, shrubs, most perennial flowers, ground-cover, walls and fences, paved areas, scree gardens, small lawns, wildflower meadows, and pools have lesser time demands. See Labour Saving.

Each square metre of lawn will need about three minutes each year for mowing alone; there will be feeding and lawn edging as well. If you have a quarter-acre to mow, the annual total will come to seven eight-hour days!

Each square metre of trees and shrubs can be maintained in about twenty seconds per year, or six hours for the same quarter-acre. Remember also that the trees will need less time as they mature; the gardener maturing at a similar rate.