About Me

I am 31, married to a Frenchman, We have i little girl, Lily aged 1 and finding time for the garden is proving more difficult than I thought. I am sure we are many in the same boat.

We have about a 3/4 of an acre, so a reasonable sized plot and I really want to get it into shape. It is seperated by the house in the middle, a rear garden (where our dogs abide. A driveway in front of the house and some border beds - which are big in places.

I am very keen to plant in keeping with the house. Maybe cottage garden style or Ill see as I research the topic.
I have recently bought some gardening books and hope to learn how to plant, grow and maintain the garden. Of course with help from this site too.

My husband likes gardening but is far too busy making money to feed my hobby! So I hope he will at least get to enjoy it eventually.