About Me

We are Frank and Lisa. Last year we moved to live on a former working farm, 10 miles south of Westport. The surrounding fields are home to the landlord's cattle and we occupy the house and have a near one acre plot of very fertile soil plus multiple large outbuildings, including a huge barn.

I am retired, and although registered as disabled, lead a very fulfilling life. Main interests are music, upcycling (turning 'scrap' into useful items), DIY - especially carpentry, computing, Feng Shui, and now, gardening to grow edible produce.

Lisa is a professional clairvoyant, Reiki Master, artist and boot marketeer, and shares my music and gardening passions. She used to be into making and marketing garden statues and ornaments (and the moulds) but now is more interested in more intricate handmade items, especially jewellery.