Feeding a lawn

Anthony kelleher asked 14 years ago

I just saw the email from garden.ie where it said 10-10-20 did not have enough nitrogen for feeding a lawn after the winter. I put 10-10-20 on my lawn last week, is there any way to boost the nitrogen now or could I put 20-10-20 on now or would I damage the lawn by over feeding.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
10-10-20 is reasonably adequate as a lawn feed providing nitrogen but not in the right proportions. The amount of nitrogen is not really enough, although it will have an effect, while the amounts of P and K, phosphorus and potassium are too much. The excess is not lost but locked up in the soil and released in future years, but for now it is a waste of money.

Wait until the effect of the 10-10-20 you have applied wanes and for other feeds this summer use a fertiliser higher in nitrogen. Grass needs a fertiliser with roughly 25-5-5 for maximum growth.
