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Over the years, Gerry has answered more than 5,000 of your gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television.
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Can I move a magnolia now, any advice re same ?
I have a photinia Red Robin hedge since august 2010. I havnt prunned it yet cos its thriving,new growth past two weeks. when should i cut it back?
is it still ok to trim box in october
My neighbour has some trees that are growing into my garden. I want to cut back these overlapping braches without damaging the tree. When is the best time to cut back these overlapping branches ? and is there any particular way i should be cutting them ? Thanks
Our sambucus nigra has grown to a height of 7 feet as we did not know that it could be pruned. it is very healthy and we do not wish to ruin it by improper pruning. What is the best time of year to prune and is it ok to prune outjust the top high branches?
I got a couple of green hollies. They are quite tall but a bit thin. If i prune them will they bush out a bit more? And how much can you take off them?
A Rubus benenden which has been in the garden for over 15 years is now looking very scraggly, with ony a few branches with leaves, the rest bare. Any suggestions?
Can you please tell me what might be causing my araila to be discoloring as seen in picture. Leaves drop off when you touch the discolored ones. It is shaded from sun up to 1 pm then in full sun. It is sheltered from east and north wind but does get south westerly breeze. I only have it 2 years and is a young plant 4ft high with one stem. Any advice greatly appreciated as its a rare plant and was expensive even for such a small plant.
My beech hedge 12' high 10' wide v. healthy but not maintained I need to bring it back to 5' high 4'wide. When is the best time to cut back so severely, July/Aug or when dormant.A local garden centre advised to reduce the height in July/Aug and reduce the width one side this winter and the other side the following year. I would appreciate your advice before I take to cutting.
This unpruned tree overhangs front garden railing adjoining footpath, is circa 30ft high, across gate to neighbour's side and higher leaves look different to normal bay. Because of the spread, it seems unlikely it could be restored to conical shape. One tree-surgeon (I'm still getting estimates) suggested it would have to be flat on top. Flat and wide would not be visually attractive.What is the best way to prune it and is it in danger from storms in its present state?
When is the best time to cut back eucalyptus trees? Ours is c.15m high and hasn't been cut back in years.
We have 25 yearold, vigorous, well kept, 200ft long escallonia (macrantha) hedge which is trying to recover from the winter. Its damage differs along its length and we're getting conflicting advice as to how to best look after it. 1. Where there is inner growth one says to do nothing, that the scrappy dead branches will act as protection next winter for the growing leaves inside. Another says to cut them away to let light in to encourage inner growth... What do you advise? AND 2. There are areas where there is no inner growth, just outer growth. What's best to do with that area of damage - if anything?
I have two Sarcococca plants which are about 4-5 years old. When I bought them, I was told not to prune them, but they are very straggly and I just don't know what to do with them. They are outside the front door in pots and get sun in the morning only.
a large branch was broken off an acer during the recent heavy winds. it has left a gaping wound on the main trunk. is there anything i can do or should i just leave it? the broken branch can be seen to the left of the tree in the photo
I planted a Philadelphus (I think it's Virginal) about 3 years ago, in a sunny spot, neutral but good soil. It didn't flower at all in year 1, last year I got a single flower, and this year there's just a single cluster of five flowers on the whole shrub. It's very healthy and growing vigorously, I pruned it lightly after the one flower finished last year. Can you give me any idea why it's so reluctant to flower?
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