growing flowers between garden slabs

QuestionsHow to growFlowersRock Garden Flowersgrowing flowers between garden slabs
Maria Campbell asked 14 years ago

Could you please recommend some flower seeds that can be planted between paving slabs. I particularly like a small purple flower that I have seen growing in crevices on walls but do not know the name of it.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
The purple plant you are thinking of is probably aubrieta. Growing small rock garden plants between slabs can be very attracitve. Others to use could include: small campanulas, armeria, pratia, mossy saxifrage, erinus and ornamental thyme.

These are not sown from seeds but are planted. If you have no gaps big enough, knock the corner off a few slabs in chosen positions, out of the main foot traffic flow, and remove the base, putting in some soil and sand mix instead and planting into this.

Water every week until there is new growth.
