Holes in lawn with bees in them

QuestionsHow to growLawnsPestsHoles in lawn with bees in them
Terry Hobdell asked 14 years ago

I have been away for a long weekend and on return find dozens of holes that you can see in the photos all over my lawn! I can see what appear to be Bees or Wasps coming out of them. I have never heard of or seen this before and Google doesnt have any info on it happening in Ireland, except something called ground digger wasps (Cicada Killer) which thankfully seems to be native to North America or have they arrived in Dublin? Can your experts advise as my wife is freaking out.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
There are several species of burrowing bees, or solitary bees as they are also called, as opposed to hive bees which are social bees.

The solitary bees make burrows, lay a single egg on a ball of pollen and honey for food and the young bees later hatch. They favour sandy soil as it is dry and the young don’t drown.

They have probably been there before and were not noticed. They are harmless although they do have a very mild sting but rarely use it unless crushed or caught in something. They just buzz around when disturbed.

They are a curiosity and after the initial period of activity as they lay eggs, they will be less noticeable.
