ornamental cherry trees can be wall trained?

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsChoosing trees and shrubsornamental cherry trees can be wall trained?
Natasha Keogh asked 13 years ago
i want to plant an ornamental cherry but as i only have a very narrow bed against a south east facing wall, i think a cherry that can be trained against a wall would be best. i’d like a variety with dark reddish leaves and pink flowers if possible. could you suggest one?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
This is an interesting idea but the flowering cherries are usually grafted on a tall stem and it would be very difficult to keep it tied in or pruned and such cherries are vigorous too.

You might be able to get a small cherry called Prunus cistena ‘Atropurpurea’, which is small-growing to about 1.5 metres and has dark leaves and pink flowers. 
