problem with flying midges

Bernadette Farrell asked 16 years ago

moved into new house last year west facing back garden,we have hundereds of midges flying around all summer long, what is the cause and have you a solution

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Moving to a new house often brings new experiences in terms of wildlife and things of nature. Most midges are harmless. Some are biting species, usually near peatland, mountain or forest where the female midges find it hard to get protein and need a blood meal to be able to lay eggs. 

Midges are poor fliers and if your garden is very enclosed and sheltered, it will suit them better. Otherwise, use anti-midges preparations. There are midge traps based on carbon dioxide, try Midge Magic at 064 75793 / 087 621 3824 or
