tomato blight in polytunnel

Marian Hicks asked 16 years ago

I have just cleared the tunnel of all my tomato plants as I think they were all infected with blight ;a. can I leave courgette plants which are doing very well, peppers,chilly peppers, aubergines and strawberry plants in situ or are they susceptible to blight ?b. what will I spray ground with now ?c. how long should I leave after spraying before planting again ?486I haven’t been able to find an overwintering variety in the shops.The best I came across was one for sowing in February.This is not bad but it is not what I am looking for.Do you know of an overwintering variety.I was thinking of trying one of the Spring varieties anyway to see what happens.Much obliged for any help

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
a.  can I leave courgette plants which are doing very well, peppers,chilly peppers, aubergines and strawberry plants in situ or are they susceptible to blight?

Yes, these crops are not affected by potato blight.

b. what will I spray ground  with now ?

No need to spray with anything. The potato or tomato plants themselves are sprayed.

c. how long should I leave after spraying before planting  again ?

No need to wait.

d. could you recommend a book on tunnel gardening for complete beginners please.

If you go to the Know-how: How to grow: Greenhouse growing section on this site, you will find the basic information.
